

Boleng bo Phahameng ba ho Ikhomarela Maqeba Tlhokomelo ea Hydrocolloid

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Litaelo tsa Sehlahisoa:

Tlas'a khopolo ea ho folisa maqeba a mongobo, ha li-granules tsa CMC tsa hydrophilic tse tsoang ho hydrocolloid li kopana le li-exudates tse tsoang leqebeng, ho ka etsoa gel holim'a leqeba e ka etsang tikoloho e mongobo ea nako e telele bakeng sa leqeba.'Me gel ha e khomarele leqeba.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Lebitso la sehlahisoa

Boleng bo Phahameng Ho Ikhomarela Hydrocolloid Dressing With Border


'Mala oa letlalo


Size e Customized, Customized size

Lintho tse bonahalang

Hydrocolloid, Hydrocolloid




Tlhokomelo ea Letlalo, Thibelo, Pholiso e potlakileng


E phutholohile

Ho paka

Sephutheloana sa Boleng bo Phahameng ka ho Fetisisa Self-adhesive Hydrocolloid Dressing With Border



1.E ka sebelisoa ho laola seso sa letlalo, seso sa leoto le liso tsa khatello;

2.Maqeba a mahlaba a bobebe;

3.Maqeba a ho chesa ha tekanyo ea bobeli;

4.Necrotic leqeba;

5.Lihlahisoa tse moeling le tse tloaelehileng li sebelisoa haholo-holo ho khanya e bohareng ea exuding;

6. liso tsa khatello le liso tsa maoto;

7.Lihlahisoa tse tšesaane li sebelisoa haholo ho omme ho isa maqeba a ka holimo, maqeba a ho buuoa ka mor'a ho buuoa le maqeba.E boetse e sebelisoa ho maqeba a manyane ho ea qetellong ea mohato oa ho fola.


1.Good absorbency bakeng sa exudation ho tloha leqeba;

2. Boloka leqeba le le mongobo 'me u potlakise pholiso ea leqeba, fokotsa bohloko le makhetlo a mangata a ho fetola liaparo;

3.Metsing, permeable le thibela leqeba ho tloha baktheria ka ntle;

4.Mmala oa ho apara o ka bontša nako ea ho fetola e ncha;

5.Ho bonolo ho sebelisa le ho tlosa, ho qoba tšenyo ea bobeli ho leqeba;

6.Mekhahlelo e fapaneng e fapaneng bakeng sa maqeba a fapaneng libakeng tse fapaneng tsa 'mele.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: